Warren Toles Nominated for the 2010 Manning Innovation Award

piglets on farm

AcuShot Needle-Free injection technology

Warren Toles has been nominated for the prestigious 2010 Manning Innovation Awards. Warren’s invention of the AcuShot Needle-Free injection technology for livestock has revolutionized the approach to animal vaccination and medication.

Warren has been involved in agriculture and agri-business for his entire life. He started at an early age, being brought up on a large farm, including one of the first large confinement hog operations in Western Canada. He graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a Degree in Agriculture (Animal Science Major) in 1971.

Throughout his career he has been Involved in numerous other commercial ventures, including ownership of cattle and hogs. In 2007 he received the Animal Nutrition Association of Canada Golden Award

“For dedicated industry leadership by significantly contributing to the advancement of poultry, livestock and food production in Canada.”

Warren is an owner and the President of AcuShot Inc. as well as a long-standing animal nutrition company in Manitoba.

The Ernest C. Manning Awards Foundation has been recognizing innovation in Canada since 1982. Canadians who have demonstrated innovative talent may be eligible for one of four Awards from the $100,000 Principal Award to the $10,000 Innovation Award. Visit www.manningawards.ca to learn more.

AcuShot™ Inc. is committed to being a world leader in the design and manufacturing of next generation needle-free liquid injection technologies. AcuShot is striving to provide veterinarian and health care industries with revolutionary needle-free equipment choices that enable spot treatment of single patients and mass-vaccination of large populations in a cost effective, efficient and easy to use format.


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